GET A QUOTE FROM Talisman Plant and Tool Hire IN Rustenburg NOW
GET A QUOTETalisman Hire offers quality equipment, prices to suit your budget and quick deliveries to meet your deadlines. The complete range of equipment can be viewed by clicking on "PRODUCT RANGE". - Aerial Work Platforms - Breakers - Heavy Duty - Brick & Tile Cutting - Chemical Toilets - Compaction Equipment - Compaction Equipment (Concrete) - Compressors - Concrete Finishing - Concrete Mixers - Conveyors - Drills - Core Drilling - Drills - Impact Drilling - Drills - Magnetic Base - Earth Drills (Augers) - Floor Sanders - Floor Saws (Asphalt & Concrete) - Gardening - Generators - Heaters - High Pressure Washers - Hilti Guns - Ladders - Miscellaneous - Plumbing Equipment - Power Tools - Scaffolding - Surveying Equipment - Waterpumps - Welders
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